Sunday, December 16, 2007

Other books sent by Allah before the Quran

In this section, the writer argues about the need for Quran if books had been sent before the Quran. This is a foolish claim! God had sent books to each people and they were for their own people for their own time. People were not that advanced to receive the message of the Quran. This can be seen from the scientific mistakes made by the writer. The main message of every book was the same but minor differences existed in practical laws etc. The people had corrupted their own books due to many reasons such as translation errors, deliberate hypocrisy, culture creeping into religion, magic, devil worship etc. This is a favor of God that Prophets kept coming to bring mankind back to the true path. It is compulsory for us to thank Allah for sending the Quran which brings mankind back to the true religion of God which was corrupted by the people before. In this same section, the writer makes fun of Muslims getting sick. He says that if they follow the law of God, then they should not get sick. The problem is not just that, the problem is that others do not follow the law of God. If everyone follwed the law of God, there wouldn’t be any dirt, uncleanliness and therefore illness. Besides, the world is a test for the hereafter and health is a part of that test. In this section, the writer again criticizes the concept of forgiveness through repentance. Perhaps his god is a brutal tyrant who only loves those who abuse him, never forgives anyone, punishes the faithful and lets the sinful escape from any punishment. Allah is not like that.

The writer has again criticized miracles and in this case, he criticizes the miracle of the giant she-camel for the second time. If his god is not All-Powerful, then he shouldn’t criticize the ones whose God is Allah Powerful and can do as He wills.

The writer has also criticized other miracles and makes fun of God calling Himself mighty. In reality, the writer makes fun of himself. If God hadn’t explained Himself to us, then we sure would have believed in a god like that of the writer who is kinetic energy, is not capable of doing much etc.

The writer has again made fun of the scientific fact that mountains prevent the earth from shaking!

The mountains, like pegs, have deep roots embedded in the ground. (Anatomy of the Earth, Cailleux, p. 220)

Allah Almighty said: "Have We not made the earth as a bed, and the mountains as pegs? (The Noble Quran, 78:6-7)

"He the Almighty also said: "And He has set firm mountains in the earth so it would not shake with you....(The Noble Quran, 16:15)"

The joke is on the writer!

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