The writer goes on to criticize the Muslims for killing animals. He obviously appears to be a vegetarian. If he himself is a non-vegetarian, then it is pure hypocrisy. This is a very long debate and will be answered with a link:
Please see it with an open mind and decide for yourself.
He says that the Quran is intolerant towards non-Muslims and animals. The part on animals has been answered above in the video link and the part on intolerance towards non-Muslims will be answered below.
“We have honored the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favors, above a great part of Our creation.” (Quran 17:70)
“O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (and not hate one another). Surely, the most honored of you in the sight of God is (he who) is the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).” (Quran 49:13)
The Messenger of God declared in his farewell sermon, addressing the largest gathering in Arab history till that point:
“People, hear that your Lord is One, and that your father is one. You must know that no Arab has superiority over a non-Arab, no non-Arab has superiority over an Arab, or a red man over a black man, or a black man over a red, except in terms of what each person has of piety. Have I delivered the message?”
Is that not very beautiful? There are hundreds of other verses in the Quran that speak of this beautiful right of equality and much more.
Muslims are even prohibited to say anything wrong against the gods of others;
“Do not revile those whom they call upon besides God, lest they revile God out of spite in their ignorance. Thus, We have made alluring to each people its own doings. In the end will they return to their Lord and He shall then tell them the truth of what they did.” (Quran 6:108)
In this very point, the writer has made several unnecessary points. Each will be answered Insha’Allah.
The writer criticizes the martyrs and says that God does not want people to kill and get killed. This is a very low level of thinking. God has made this words a test for the hereafter and fighting fear of death is a great test. Fighting is only against evil and is a test by God.
God will punish both non-Muslims and those who claim to be Muslims. There is no such thing as free salvation in Islam. The accuser has asked this question in this topic. This clearly shows some problems with the writer. If he has read the Quran, he must already know the answer, yet he criticizes for the sake of writing a book! The writer also says that if both can be punished, then there is no need for Quran and Prophet Muhammad (saw). The same can be said about his own book but as a Muslim, I will give the Islamic response for this claim. Quran is a light, guidance and message directly from God. If a person is separated from his mother for a long time and she writes a letter to the offspring, the child would hurry to read it. If she wants him/her to do something, he/she would do it with happiness. For the Quran it is much bigger than that. It is not just the message from God but also a way that God wants us to follow.
This way is the only way!
Why was Satan created?
It is a fundamental belief of Islam that everything is a test from Allah. Here the writer alleges that Allah did not know about past, present or future and creating Satan turned out to be a mistake which He did not know about in advance. Such a claim shows only ignorance of Islamic beliefs. The life is a test for the hereafter and everything is by the will of Allah. Anything we might not like is a test from Allah and each person is given a test according to his or her own power.
[002:286] Allah does not burden any soul beyond its endurance. For it is what it earns, and against it is what it commits. “Our Lord, do not condemn us for what we forget, or err. Our Lord, do not levy upon us the (kind of) burden You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, do not impose upon us a burden that is greater than our strength to withstand. Pardon us, grant us forgiveness, and have mercy on us. You are our Protector! Grant us victory over the nation of unbelievers!
Who tempted Satan?
Everything that tempts is not by Satan. Every year in Ramadan, Allah locks Satan but still we see evil. What we see is the person’s own desires and deeds for which there is no outside influence. It is one’s own practiced nature that was not created this way by God but has turned into like this by excessive sinning of the people. Human beings and Jinns have free will and it was this free will that Satan exercised. On the day of judgment, we will be accountable for the decisions we make.
The writer in his book said,
Now one should pause to think and realize that an animal whether it dies a
natural death or is put to death, is a dead body all the same;
This is not true as far as Islamic way is concerned. The way of sacrifice in Islam is called Zabeeha and required the cutting of the neck without the spinal cord being cut off. This method allows the blood to clear from the body which is a source of many illnesses through germs. The writer makes silly points such as asking whether eating human flesh is allowed. He must read the entire Quran for the answer. A list is given and a criteria is set for the kind of animals that can be eaten.
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